Maya Poon Speaks About the Benefits of Natural Skincare

Maya Poon looking to her right.

Oaxaca-based Maya Poon is a writer and visual storyteller that has always felt a deep, profound connection to nature. We recently captured Maya as the muse for our new skincare campaign, and wanted to get her thoughts on the benefits of using natural skincare products, and why it matters to prioritize an organic, earth-first, vegan skincare routine. Discover her take on the best natural skincare products and why embracing natural skincare routines can transform your beauty regimen.

Maya Poon crouching down at a beach.

Can you share with us how your love for nature began and how it influences your daily life? 

My love for nature truly bloomed when I met Oaxaca. When my eyes laid eyes on the land, I suddenly felt understood like I never did before. It influences me daily as I feel it nourishes me in all ways — inspiring me to create, reminding me of beauty, healing me when I’m blue. 

Maya Poon floating in water.
Maya Poon standing in water.


How does spending time in nature inspire your choices in natural beauty and clean skincare products? 

 I try to use skincare that only contains natural and organic ingredients. I have sensitive skin and when it carries chemicals, I react very quickly.

How do natural ingredients for skincare contribute to the effectiveness of products compared to synthetic alternatives?

I find natural ingredients much healthier and happy to use. My skin enjoys it and so does the planet. We are in harmony as we should be. Synthetic skincare might give you a quick boost but it is never durable.

Maya Poon applying Obakki lotion.

What are the main benefits of using plant-based, cruelty-free, vegan skincare products?

I think using plant-based skincare products allows us to walk the path that is right — the one in harmony with the land, the earth and the animals. It allows us to care for ourselves while respecting others.


In your experience, how does the use of natural ingredients affect skin health in the long term?

I think natural ingredients and organic skincare become a ritual and are therefore more timeless than synthetics. It is simply more easy to use and feels better when I’m using natural skincare products.  ⁠



How can consumers make more informed decisions about skincare that align with nature and ethical practices? 

I think it is important as a conscious consumer to research and read the ingredients of what you consume, either for food or what you apply on your skin. I always read labels and if there is an ingredient that sounds unfamiliar, I take time to research it. It’s important to go beyond to truly understand our footprints on this earth and to create a path that is aligned with our universal values. 

Photo credit: Enrique Leyva & Maya Poon 

Shop Obakki's natural skincare

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